Sunday, March 14, 2010

In preparation for our trip, news from El Salvador

We are hearing exciting and affirming news from El Salvador about the strong positive influence Romero still has on his people and followers, many will remember Romero's assessination 30 years ago on March 24th. Here is some news from El Salvador in anticipation of the 24th and continued affirmation of the positive work in El Salvador inspired by Romero:
Last night El Salvador President Mauricio Funes invited us all to a concert in honor of Monseñor Romero. The concert consisted of 13 groups singing 15 of the 16 songs that make up a CD dedicated as an homage to Romero as well as videos of Romero and recordings of parts of his homilies.

Funes spoke before the concert started and called Romero the spiritual guide for El Salvador and for his governent and that he would not want more hate, more confrontations or more violence, that he believed in a civilization of love which is justice and truth.

Funes also said that on March 24, on the 30th anniversary of Mons. Romero´s assassination, he will ask, as head of the Salvadoran state, for forgiveness, and that the powerful sectors that carried out this crime have never achieved their goal of silencing Monseñor Romero, that his figure has "giant-ized" becoming known beyond the borders of El Salvador and that his assassins wanted to kill hope by killing Mons. Romero.

Then Funes talked about how certain sectors were criticizing his government saying that he had no direction. He said that every policy they make and every action they take are based on a very clear plan. Then he said "May the Salvadoran people judge me if I detour from the words of my spiritual guide."

How inspiring to hear this as we are preparing for our trip.....
Thirty years later and Romero can still draw thousands and thousands of people, speak out to them, invite them into a candlelight procession, bring them from over borders and seas. He was a very humble person from a small mountain town and became the most universal Salvadoran. His love was inconditional, his cause was social justice and human dignity and he can still shake up the powers that be!

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