Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sat March 27, leaving COO, a wonderful time at the beach

Saturday morning was bittersweet for me-- saying goodbye to my host-family and heading to the beach. I was sad to leave my family because I, like everyone else in our group, really started to feel close to my new mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, and neighbors.   I managed to wake up fairly early to watch my brother milk the cows and help my sisters make tortillas. My tortillas were holey, lopsided, and tough compared to theirs but we had so much fun making them together.

After leaving La Canoa we headed to the beach. The weather and water were perfect for us to unwind at the beach. Geoff, Nicole, and Jesse led one of our final reflections together and I was able to engage in some very meaningful conversation with Rebbecca, Emily, and Katie. I have resolved, after our discussion and, in reflection on the whole trip, to keep a strong connection to my host family, the people of El Salvador, and their struggles. I am so lucky to have received all of the information, welcome, and kindness that Salvadoreans offered us. I feel a significant and empowering obligation to repay their love in every small way I can: not just to offer the same hospitality and awareness to others and to advocate for El Salvador, but to fight for peace everywhere.

We headed off to the airport to say drop off some members of our delegation and then returned to San Salvador to shop! Collette arranged an artisan fair: a number of her friends, all talented artisans, brought their art to show us. I bought gifts for my family, now that I've had the chance to give them away, I can tell you that my family loved them.

All in all, a perfect end to our trip!


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