Thursday, March 11, 2010

Prayers and/or Positive Thoughts and Visualization for El Salvador Delegation

We encourage each of us on our delegation to take time daily, starting now, to pray and/or have positive thoughts and visualization relating to our preparation for, time in El Salvador, and action when we return.

Many find it helpful to make prayers and thoughts positive – not asking for protection from potential dangers, but rather affirming and giving thanks/visualizing being protected and that our experience will be a blessing for all. Here are suggestions of what you may wish to pray for/have positive visualizations about. Please include whatever appeals to you and use wording with which you are comfortable.

1. Thanks (God) that we on our delegation to El Salvador March 2010 will be a blessing to each other, to those whom we meet, and to people in the US with whom we will share our experiences.

2. Thanks (God) for Archbishop Oscar Romero, the way he followed Christ, cared for the poor and oppressed, spoke out against evil and the systems of evil, that he is living in his people now, and that we are celebrating Romero alive in his people on the 30th anniversary of his martyrdom, March 24, 2010. (Delegation will be in commemoration events of Romero on Saturday, 3/20 and Wednesday, 3/24).

3. Thanks (God) that people of Cabañas (where activists were murdered in their peaceful struggle against metallic mining) are being helped to resist injustice, are being protected from killings, threats, and fears, and being given courage and faith. Thanks that the SBSC/VOTB delegation will join other solidarity groups on Sunday, 3/21 and listen to the testimonies of community activists, talk with national leaders in the mining struggle and participate in an ecumenical service with the historic justice churches in El Salvador.

4. Thanks (God) that the Spanish National Court is bringing a lawsuit against some Salvadoran military leaders for the massacre of the six Spanish Jesuits, which is a crime against humanity, and that this will help improve justice and human rights. (Delegates will be at the UCA, the Jesuit University, see where the Jesuits were assassinated, and hear how and why this happened, and hear about the pending case.)

5. Thanks (God) for wonderful hospitality by people in our partner community, Comunidad Octavio Ortiz, with whom we will spend two nights. Thanks (God) that we are raising money which will enable them to get their sugar cane mill operating and that it will help them be more self-sufficient in an environmentally friendly way. (Delegates will spend two nights with families in COO.)

6. Thanks (God) that we are being guided on how to be instruments for liberation from injustices and to be channels for justice and love on our delegation and when we return.

We encourage you to share these hopes/prayers with family, friends, church and other faith groups who may be interested in what we are doing and invite them to join you in supporting these hopes.

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